"Terrific product you have designed. This is
going to save us a lot of money for re-modeling base housing for our soldiers who are
Reclining Wheel Chair Portable Shower Enclosure
MedAme R3000
Reclining Model
36"x74"x 36" For use by individuals who require a reclining style wheelchair or gurney, and who
require the assistance of a care attendant for bathing
Meets the needs of the High quadriplegic, CP and any medical condition requiring a
tilt back shower wheelchair.
Only the FAWSsit™ R3000 Recliner has a double fold-awaydesign which allows it to open to a full 74” in length to
accommodate reclining wheelchairs and gurneys. But, when the showering is completed, this unit quickly folds
flat to only 16” in depth for easy storage.
The R3000 has the added feature of lower height to make care attendant access as
easy and effective as possible. The 15 foot long hoses (or longer if requested) allow for full reach and access for
"Thank you so much for delivering my shower at
the last moment. My first shower made me feel like a new man!!! Thank you for given that personal touch for those
in need. Sincerely